A review by _tamara8464
How to Catch a Queen by Alyssa Cole


I thought this story was going to be better than it was. I enjoyed it but I thought it would have a bit more drama and better romance. I di enjoy the few "nuggets" of comedy in this book. I knew the ending before I started the book but I still enjoyed the read.

Shanti has wanted to be a queen for most of her life. Her goal finally comes true when she weds the King of Njaza, Sanyu. Things aren't what she expected. The first time she meets her future husband, things don't go well. Second, since she is a woman no one really listens to her. Even though, she has several ideas on how to help with the economic growth and development of Njaza. This may also have to do with the fact that no one thinks she will stay the queen for long. The queen has a 4 month "trial period". After that point, the King can send her away since she isn't the "true Queen". Shanti is lonely and sad. She is also determine and focused and if her husband won't listen, she will go to those that will.

King Sanyu just lost his father. The only reason he married was to take the throne after his father's passing. He is grieving. His Kingdom is failing and his people are not happy. He is just going though the motions, stuck in a numbing fog. Besides that, his father's best friend thinks Sanyu is a weak King and does all the real ruling for him.

Overall, the book was just "okay".