A review by hank
Broken Angels by Richard K. Morgan


If we take a spectrum with Chick Lit on one end and Dick Lit on the other this one is much, much closer to the latter. It has blood, gore, future tech guns, ridiculous Kalishnikovs and super human reaction times. Morgan stops his Takeshi Kovacs series from going full on Baldacci with his sleeve/cortical stack creation.

The characters can have two different deaths, real and non-real. The ability, for some, to re-sleeve after being killed, lends an even more pointless aspect to war. It subtly shadows everything in this universe. There are the haves, whose company, military outfit or individual wealth allow them the luxury of a new body whenever they need it unless their stacks are completely destroyed. The are the have-nots, whose precarious existance may allow a rebirth but probably not. All acts of betrayal, heroism, revenge are magnified or diminshed accordingly due to re-sleeveability.

I was also continualy wondering if the you that was re-sleeved was really the same you. Morgan takes a dim view of corporate behaviour, loyalty and greed. No one will accuse these books of being feel good books but they wrap some very thought provoking issues around a good story with lots of brutish behaviour from men and women. I have already started the third and last book.