A review by sjbshannon
Bisexual Politics: Theories, Queries, and Visions by Naomi Tucker


This book is hard to rate to say the least. There's some essays I'd give a 0 (or less) and recommend avoiding (or at least reading very critically) because of the overt transphobia. There's some essays that are 5 stars and that are written by trans people. I went for two stars mostly because of the overt transphobia in some of the essays.

I'd recommend this book specifically for people looking for a time capsule of 1990s queer, specifically bisexual (and mostly cisgender and white, with some exceptions) politics and points of view. I'd recommend it to anyone trying to look into the history of bisexuality or queer politics and who's curious how stances have evolved.

What surprised me is how many of the arguments within these pages (identity politics and their validity; bisexuals' place in the larger community and the relationship to the lesbian, gay, and transgender communities; bisexuality as "trendy"; bi erasure; respectability politics) are still ongoing today.