A review by nerdofdoom
Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook by CrimethInc.


This book caused me and crimethinc to break up for a little while. Recently I started reading more of their new stuff and I've been enjoying so hopefully we are starting to mend the falling out between us. It wasn't just this book it was a series of events, but still I shunned them for a long time the moment I got a copy of this in my hand.

I'll admit that I had expectations and that ecpectations are rarely fair especially if one judges the world by them like I did to this book. I guess I was thinking that it wasn't going to just be full of the counter-cultural lifestyle wheat-paste, make love, and have a party, stuff that crimethinc. is so fool of. Don't get me wrong, I'm down and I think that that is very valuable information for alot of people, especially those who are just begining to toy with ideads like the ones that Crimethinc presents. It just wasn't for me. Or most people that I know.

I found it to be mostly devoid of truly useful information that pushed the envelope in any real way. I found it to be redundant and at times condescending. Articles like "how to have a party" seem offensive when so much very practical information was not included. It was just the same old urban hip kid anarchist street warrior blah blah blah. I was a little embittered at the time, can you tell? But again, I don't think that this book was for me and if I got my hands on it in High School I can only imagine that I would have been totally stoked and it would have been a very valuable resource. That i must keep in mind about literature like this as I grow older.

pick up any other crimethinc. book other than this one if you have the choice.