A review by c41
A Seat by the Hearth by Amy Clipston


What a beautiful love story. This is only my second book of Amy Clipton's and I consider it the best of the two. She writes sweet romance that ia actual love steeped in religious beliefs. While this seems like it would come across as preachy and fanatical, her stories are lightly rendered.

This books held many complicated relationships and the emotions that come with them. Clipton understands that relationships are not black and white but have miraids of grey. She shows forgiveness and love in ways that mimic real life. Perhaps because this story touches closely on my own life, I am biased but usually I find people cannot do justice to the intricacies of the situations and the dimensions of the people involved. Clipton manages all of that beautifully.
No character is strictly good or bad or blind or trusting or naive. Each has their flaws and their virtues. Their stories of redemption and growth are all at once realistic and inspiring.
This is easily one of my favorite books I have read recently, and I am not generous with my reviews.