A review by liibbyo8
The Red Queen by Isobelle Carmody


I don't know what to feel right now. It's been such a long journey and I grew up with Elspeth a little bit, experiencing all of her trials and growth alongside my own. This series has been with me for the better part of my adolescence and into adulthood, and now it is over, I feel quite lost.

This book dragged on a bit at times, which was frustrating. Some of the conversations and speculation about what might happen seemed to halt the momentum of the story, and that whole time in Habitat, while important in the end, was quite tedious.

And I'm still not quite sure how I feel about the way the story and Elspeth's quest came to its conclusion, though it was true to the rest of the series and effectively tied up all we had learnt, with some poignant reflections on the Beforetimers (who are not so very different to humans of the present).

But I do know I am very grateful to Isobelle Carmody for this series and I believe that I am a better, more rounded person for having known Elspeth and Dameon and Maruman and Gahltha and all the other complex and loveable characters. I'm sure that my view of the world has been shaped by the author's wisdom and I have immensely enjoyed becoming immersed in the vivid and magical world that she created.