A review by christalbotheindl
13: The Astonishing Lives of the Neuromantics by Yves Navant


I was excited for this book based on the impressive Kickstarter video, and helped make sure it got made. But I don't think the Kickstarter was honest about what was in the book. I got as far as Part 3, where authority figures wearing shirts that say "r*pe machine" r*pe people, very graphically, and I had to put it down. I picked it up again, later because I desperately wanted to give it a chance, but it didn't get much better storyline-wise.

The drawing was exquisite, but the storyline was very heavy-handed and clunky. It felt like a series of trauma porn moments more than a thought out narrative. But you can't see that kind of drawing elsewhere. It's really unique. I could view some of the artwork from this book all day long and find something new each time.