A review by kimmidoo
If Someone Says "You Complete Me," RUN!: Whoopi's Big Book Of Relationships by Whoopi Goldberg


** 4.5 STARS **
I admire Whoopi so much; I've always looked up to her as a great role model. Her opinions on virtually everything I've always agreed on. She cares deeply about people but also has a very laid back "Life is too short to be pissed off all the time" attitude. This book is no different. It may seem anti-relationships by the title, but it's really not. It's more about her experience with relationships and what she's realized over the years. It's about learning to love and respect yourself before you love someone else. I loved the book, the only reason I didn't give 5 stars was because sometimes I found myself a little confused with how things were worded. Other than that, I loved it!