A review by merlin_reads
Dear Ally, How Do You Write a Book by Ally Carter


 Random fact: This is the first book on writing that I've read. I'm kind of shocked on that as well.

This book was definitely aimed at teens but I still felt that the information Carter put forth can be helpful for all ages. She goes through all the steps - from taking an idea, forming it into a story and how to get that story onto paper. From there, she then talks about agents and publishers and even the pros and cons of self publishing vs traditional publishing. I would have loved to have had this book as a teen. It answered some of the questions that had plagued me back then. And it's also nice to see that published authors have the same troubles as people just starting to write.

Another thing that I really liked about this book was how Carter enlisted a number of her author friends to chime in with their processes and experiences. It really helped flesh out the advice as everyone is different and everyone is going to go about writing in their own way.

Overall, solid advice book. I think it can definitely help people of all ages even though it's geared towards teens and talks a lot about what you can do in high school.