A review by shannonlovesbooksandreading
Infinitely Mine by Marie Skye


Indefinitely Mine by Marie Skye 5 stars
Wow! This series is…just. Wow.
Indefinitely Mine begins the same way book 2 left off. Heartbreak, gut wrenching, heartbreak. Is there any hope for Emmalin and Grayson? Emmalin is still awesome, funny and witty but man oh man does she have bad luck and personal issues. Abandonment, trust, self worth. She’s a hot mess but such a great person anyways! The personal pain she suffers throughout not only this book but the entire series is unbelievable. Even the crap she tells herself is enough to sabotage any relationship. With everything going against her she is still strong and courageous.

“Emmalin was everything I wanted and the strongest woman I knew.” -Grayson

Grayson begins as our favorite overbearing alpha that we love from the first two books. However when Emmalin walked away from him at the end of book 2, Grayson changed from way overbearing to mean, selfish and hard. And not hard in the good way! Grayson begins to realize that he can no longer fight Emmalin, he must fight FOR her. Grayson turns into an understanding man and then into a just right kind of guy by the end of the story. His heart seems to be in the right place the entire time.
This story is not all doom and gloom . There are a few very hot sex scenes. Very “over 18” sex scenes. And then there are feelings like this:

“ All of a sudden it happened— the giddiness blossomed in my stomach. I felt like a million butterflies had taken over my body, and I was circling in a field of daisies. If he had asked me to marry him right then and there, I would've said yes without a second thought.”

I really like the way Marie Skye writes, even the twists and turns are smooth and easy to read. I don’t have to go back and re read unless its from shock that something like that just happened!
This book, as well as books 1 and 2, is definitely not a stand alone. Start with Incapable and then Unjustly Destroyed, you won’t be sorry. And be on the look out for more by Marie Skye, I know I am!