A review by somewheregirl7
Eric Rex The Monsters of Otherness by Kaza Kingsley


The second Erec Rex book is as fun to read as the first. The original characters are back with a few notable additions. I listened to the audiobook version of this book and it has an intro by Kaza Kingsley. It's interesting to the hear the author talk about how she thought of the series and the way she has planned the story arch. While a few sections of the book felt a little contrived I liked that Erec is not an almighty hero but just a kid bumbling through the story and needing help from his friends. He's far from perfect and yet utterly perfect because of that. I really enjoyed reading about his adventures with his friends and look forward to reading other books in the series. This is a good solid middle-grade reader book and a good choice for reluctant readers. I think it will appeal equally to boys and girls but there's enough of a story to draw in adult readers who like kids' lit as well.