A review by literarykate616
Seducing Mr. Darcy by Gwyn Cready


Wow! This was quite a steamy read. I will never look at Pride & Prejudice the same way again. Flip Allison works at a college in Pennsylvania as a bird specialist. She has an irritating ex-husband and a few close friends, several which make up her book club. The pick for their weekly discussion is Pride & Prejudice. Flip would rather read something sexy than the subdued romance between Darcy and Elizabeth, and expresses her frustration about the novel to her friends. The friends are overheard at a coffee shop by Magnus Knightley, an Austen scholar, who becomes annoyed with the womens’ lack of propriety for his favorite book. Later that afternoon, unable to focus on her research, Flip goes to a massage therapist who encourages her to imagine herself in a favorite book. Instead of a racy novel, Flip finds herself in the middle of a scene from Pride & Prejudice, and soon realizes that Darcy is anything but the proper gentleman she imagined him to be. After she wakes up from her massage, Flip finds out that Austen’s classic novel has been rewritten to include her and Darcy in a less than honorable situation. She grudgingly enlists the help of Magnus Knightley, the Austen scholar whom she can’t stand. Together they attempt to return Pride & Prejudice to its intended version.

I haven’t read many time travel books so I was unsure of what to expect from Seducing Mr. Darcy. However, I just recently watched Bridget Jones’s Diary and found that I enjoy the bantering between two people who can’t stand each other but have a secret attraction at the same time. The relationship between Flip and Magnus matched the animosity between Elizabeth and Darcy from Pride & Prejudice. Magnus was so charming and scholarly that I completely fell in love with his character, I mean who wouldn’t want a guy that will watch Colin Firth with you? The actual plot of the novel was pretty far out there, I mean of course it’s not possible to jump into your favorite novel and become a character in it, but it’s fun to pretend. I found myself laughing at scenes that Austen most certainly never would have written, which made the entire book that much more entertaining. The love scenes between Flip and Magnus were very passionate and steamy which of course raises the rating of any romance novel for me. The other three time traveling novels by Gwyn Cready look just as wonderful as Seducing Mr. Darcy, and I can’t wait to read them.