A review by rdmathison
The Business by Iain Banks


With The Business, Iain Banks has once again cemented his position as a master storyteller, as well as one of my absolute favorites. Though the narrative begins as a slow burn, it's the intricacy and depth that Banks infuses into his storytelling that truly grips the reader. The erudite prose and intelligent dialogues are both captivating and intellectually stimulating, making the journey worth every page.

Kate, our formidable protagonist, is a triumph of character development. Despite her immense wealth, she is both relatable and aspirational, navigating the complex world of the titular Business with grace and acumen. It's refreshing to encounter a character as vivid and compelling as Kate, who stands out not just for her corporate achievements but for her personal resilience and adaptability.

The Business itself, as an entity, is a testament to Banks' exceptional world-building capabilities. Its lore is deep, multi-layered, and reflects the underbelly of global commerce and power in ways that are both enlightening and at times, chilling.

What truly stands out in this novel, however, is its unexpected culmination. After a methodical setup that takes its time, the climax is startlingly different from what one might predict, proving Banks' prowess in subverting expectations.

In conclusion, The Business is a masterclass in sophisticated storytelling. It not only entertains but also challenges the reader, prompting deep thought and reflection on the interplay of power, commerce, and ambition.