A review by ricksilva
Deep Fathom by James Rollins


This had something of a Clive Cussler vibe, but with SF and apocalyptic elements. Basically, there's a massive disaster, the US president is lost in a plane crash, and the world teeters on the brink of war. Oh, and also ancient lost civilizations and a whole mess of Bermuda Triangle kinda stuff. Put it this way, Charles Berlitz gets namedropped in the acknowledgements.

Jack Kirkland, ex-Navy SEAL, is our hero, and he comes off as a bit of a jerk early on, but the idea here is that he's still grieving the loss of his fiancee in a tragic space shuttle accident (no, really), so he's refusing to let anyone get close to him. The problem is, that when he does finally discover a new potential romance and begins to care about the world again, he goes from generic-hero-but-something-of-an-asshole to just plain generic hero.

The supporting cast is a lot better, although the villain is still generic. The action sequences are handled well, as are the large scale disaster sequences. The ancient civilization mysteries have a few good moments, but it's still pretty silly.

Unfortunately, the author decides to wrap everything up a bit too neatly using
Spoilertime travel, and ridiculously deus-ex-machina gimmicky time travel at that
, and so the ending is feel-good, but not all that satisfying.