A review by djotaku
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls by Ted Anderson, Katie Cook


Thanks to my daughter I've seen all three OAVs of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Equestria Girls at LOT. I don't mind, I'm a cartoon geek and I'll watch anything, no matter the target audience. Like Star Wars, I think the second one is the best. It has catchy music and pretty witty writing. This trade appears to be half prequel to the first OAV and half sequel to the first OAV. It's not bad, but I think it suffers from not having the witty writing of the second OAV. I think the amazing voice actors also really bring something to the cartoons that are missing in this book. Also, I think the art style works better when animated than with static characters.

Still, I go by the mouse-over text when I choose my ratings on Goodreads. Two stars is marked at "it's OK". That's what I thought. It didn't suck, but it didn't have the same enjoyable quality that made me not mind when my daughter was watching the related cartoons. (Something I can't always say of cartoons specifically directed at kids) So I'd probably pass on this one unless you just can't get enough of MLP:FIM:EG