A review by nbiblioholic
Cocky Playboy by Alex Wolf, Sloane Howell


Two highly successful law firms are merging. One's in Texas, the other's in Chicago. Tate comes up with her boss to the windy city to assist with the merger. She's tough, she's strong, and she doesn't lose. Decker is looking to lighten his load and so the merger is the perfect solution. Getting his brothers on board is another story. He's not looking for any sort of distraction and yet Tate is a temptation he finds impossible to resist. These two were on attack-mode right from jump. The authors did an incredible job of capturing not only their different perspectives, but how their chemistry became almost a living, breathing entity. Both characters, in their own ways, tried (although not very hard) to keep things professional, but there was nothing professional in the way they dealt with each other. It was very easy to see how something illicit and intense would brew between them.

My only real hangup with this story was with how aggressive Tate came off. There were so many instances of her being insubordinate and nothing was really said or done to curtail her behavior. Merger and all, wasn't Decker her superior? She wasn't even a partner at her firm! I'm all for a woman who knows how to hang with the men and doesn't let misogyny get her down, but Tate went too far. A girl don't need no man and yet she was constantly imagining ways to be dominated by Decker. Ummm... what? I just didn't find her very attractive and despite how much I was supposed to be convinced that Decker found her qualities to be all that he was looking for in a woman, she came off as a bit too abrasive. Even during tender moments I didn't feel like she really softened.

In the end, my issues didn't really matter because I enjoyed the story overall. It was HOT! With a ton of flirtatious banter, innuendo, and one upmanship, Cocky Playboy turned out to be a sexy office romance not to be missed!