A review by tovetott
The Street Lawyer by John Grisham


(DNF at 35%)

As a completionist, it pains me to DNF a book (much less as my first officially finished book of 2024, rip) but jesus christ I will not expose myself to more of this lol

The book opens with filthy rich, white, lawyer Michael gaining a conscience at gunpoint (quite literally) and having to think about what he does to help the less fortunate and homeless people in his own city for probably the first time in his life. After the incident he seems to be the only one among his lawyer collegues (that were also held hostage at gunpoint) to actually pursue charity work for the homeless and gets Zuko-sick after doing one (1) good deed. All the while, his newly found mentor (?) (a black lawyer and volunteer at the various soup kitchens and shelters in town, Mordecai) holds Michael's hand and is so incredibly patient with him for some reason lol. Michael's collegues bully him "because the hostage incident clearly caused him to lose it completely if he's quitting his job to help the ✨️homeless✨️. Bcs why do charity work when you can earn ✨️money✨️???".

His wife (med student) also finalizes a divorce after Michael decides to quit his super-upper-class-lawyer job to start working at a law firm specifically run to help out the less fortunate. And none of the two can figure out if they "like" the change of mindset Michael has gone through.

And that's as far as I got.

I realize that this book is quite a few years old at this point (as old as me, in fact!), and both the content and writing is probably very dated, (I hope) but my god I think I rolled my eyes 3 times a page at Michael's constant whining about how much money he makes or loses or how he for the first time ever actually realized homeless people are in fact ✨️homeless✨️. The question about whether this book was a parody or not will haunt me for weeks.

I genuinely couldn't care less what happens to him and his precious Lexus car or whatever for the rest of the book. I don't know when this book turns into a "thriller" or if it already did within the pages I read. If you want a laugh at what I imagine the Super Rich™ like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos have nightmares about, I'd recommend this one