A review by mayflowergirl74
Cocoa Beach by Beatriz Williams


I'll admit, it took me a long while to get into Cocoa Beach. I love Beatriz Williams and her writing and am usually able to figure out the coupling I should be rooting for, but in this one I couldn't and wasn't even sure one man or the other was even a possibility and who was alive and who was dead. It was confusing at times, and Beatriz writes in her author note at the end that she'd switched plots and wasn't sure herself who was going to be the goodie or the baddie and not really deciding this until the end. But it does come together at the end, answering so many questions, making it clear who is good and who is not so good, and giving us the kind of ending I love with her books. If you're a fan of Beatriz Williams and you've seen the lower ratings for this book and don't want to get invested, I'd tell you to give it a go. I believe this may be the last book connecting to the characters we first met in A Certain Age and The Wicked City.