A review by reliablepat
Outlaws by Craig Martelle, Scott Moon


This was a fun little story. A group of mercenaries derails a train. After it crashes, they set up around the crash to unload the A19 and hold the miners at gunpoint to enlist their aid.

At the same time, Mike "Sledge" Hammer shows up at Darklanding looking to bring Rudy Miranda back to her family. Sheriff Fry investigates the crash, Ruby goes on the run toward the crash, and Sledge follows her.

In the end, Thad, Sledge, and Ruby all end up stealing ships to fight the mercenaries. They win the battle, Thad negotiates with the other Mercs and hauls in Stacy Rings, and Sledge agrees to let Ruby stay in Darklanding a while longer before bringing her home.

Overall, it was a quick and fun story. I intend to finish the rest of this series this week if time permits.