A review by laurelthebooks
Daytripper: Deluxe Edition by Fábio Moon


The quiet moments, the still moments - how many of these moments make up our lives?

Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá show us what life can consist of with simple, yet powerful, examples of a single life and how it could be lived. The character we follow is an obituary writer for a newspaper as an adult, and Daytripper makes phenomenal use of the form and function of obituaries and hones in on the ties death has to life.

The edition I read had an address in the back that concludes,
"...we did live it.
And sometimes we die to prove that we lived."

I can't say it any better than that. Daytripper was a gorgeous read that I am glad I took slow. It deserves pondering and the time to let the emotions hit and then seep.