A review by thepiqht
Bury the Lede by Gabe Dunn


Although the story itself has merit, the main character is a let down. It is true that she is unlikeable but that in itself is not a problem. The problem is that she is infuriating. There is no reason for her to be unlikeable. Most of the bad decisions she makes have no real motive behind them and seem to serve just as a way for the story to show her changing - the issue is, this happens way too early in the narrative. Her inner narrative and actions do not correspond with the motivations that the novel states that she has. For example, she’s eager for her source to talk but puts the phone down anytime that the source says something that she doesn’t like. She only has one source in the police force who is actually willing to talk and take a chance on her but is unnecessarily cruel to him with absolutely no prompting. It’s a shame because I did like the art and the idea of the story.