A review by redheadstorm
The Breakup Doctor by Phoebe Fox


Brook Ogden is my favorite kind of a chick lit heroine - the perfectly imperfect kind. After weathering a heartbreak she refuses to talk about, Brook seems to have gotten her life in order - she is running a successful practice as a mental health counselor, has a boyfriend who treats her well and is always there to lend a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on to her best friend Sasha. The dynamic between the two friends seems to have been established long time ago - Sasha goes out and has her heart broken over and over again; Brook is always there with the right advice to help her heal it. Then all of a sudden Brook's little safe cocoon stars becoming less safe and predictable - no longer having an office, Brook finds herself having to adjust to the new situation...and in the process ends up doing what she does best - writing a column about relationships and breakups and giving breakup advice to clients (professionally), in turn becoming the "Breakup Doctor".

And just as the saying goes "doctors make the worst patients", once her own relationship starts unraveling, Brook finds herself unable to practice what she preaches. Now, though most of us would be reluctant to admit it, I don't know a single person that hasn't at some point done at least one thing they are not so proud of - all in the throes of heartache. Emotional roller-coasters often bring out the side of a person that even they themselves didn't know existed. And let me tell you - mental health specialists are no exception. Back in the day when I was choosing the path of psychology/psychotherapy as career, I often wondered how is that more often than not kids of two psychologists (or psychiatrists) end up being royally screwed up.

Once you accept the fact that even most put together people do not have it all figure out, it will be easy to sympathize with all the ridiculous(ly funny) situations Brook gets herself into.

If you have a girlfriend having a rough time with a breakup, make sure to get her this book - at the very least it will get a laugh (or five) out of her. Regardless of your love situation, I am positive that this book will be a super entertaining and laugh out loud journey for all of you chick lit lovers out there. And I am thrilled that this is actually going to be a book series - cannot wait to get my hands on the next Breakup doctor book. (let me tell you all this laughing is doing wonders for my abs)