A review by isaac_c
The Project by Courtney Summers


This was... weird.
I don't exactly know what else to say about it. This novel had kind of failed to meet my expectations from the outset, but I was still interested in seeing how things would unfold as the story progressed. But in the end it all just felt underwhelming? Pointless?
It's sad because I loved Summers' other novel, Sadie. Maybe it's just because I read that so many years ago, or maybe this was just a flop.

edit: I think part of where the novel fails so hard for me is that when we're shown the Unity Project's indoctrination, it feels rushed and unconvincing. I understand that people can easily be manipulated when they're at their most vulnerable, but the scale at which the Project's operation is described, I would expect a leader with a little more on-the-page charisma.