A review by adamchalmers
No Logo by Naomi Klein


Essential reading for anyone trying to understand corporate power in the 21st century. It looks at the way companies have shifted from manufacturing/services to primarily marketing/branding. Explains how brands change the world to make it a brand-friendlier place, and how the world can try to resist.

The amazing thing is Klein mentions so many issues - loss of public space (and therefore civil rights enforcement), loss of consumer choice, lower educational standards, compromised university research, huge labor rights abuses, sweatshops, union busting. But most of them (except sweatshops) I'd never heard of before a few years ago. It seems nothing much has changed since 1999. I took this as a wake-up call: shit's been going wrong for decades, time to start fixing.

Unfortunately like so many books about Problems With The World, I find the analysis of problems way better than the list of solutions. Though she does at least offer some concrete analysis of what worked and what didn't, leaving me more optimistic about the global world's ability to fight brands than I had previously.