A review by jk0323
The Dialogues: Conversations about the Nature of the Universe by Clifford V. Johnson


I found myself repeatedly frustrated with this book that I wanted so badly to like. It is a graphic novel comprised of 11 chapters, or dialogues, about physics. The idea being to present modern physics in a conversational and layman style.

This experiment failed. The artwork is OK, struggling in particular with faces,making people look alien and angular. the dialogue is completely unrealistic and unnatural. The physics jumps from too basic to too advanced without striking a proper balance on explaining full concepts in order to grasp more advanced ones.

I hope to read a book on the standard model to bolster my understanding of particle physics, because this certainly was not geared for a beginner, instead this seems like a nov way to represent facts known to people already in the field.

The book is not without more interesting sections, a highlight being the discussing of electromagnetism, but overall very disappointed. I would NOT recommend.