A review by judithdcollins
Call Me Zelda by Erika Robuck


After finishing a stunning advanced reading copy of Erica Robuck’s upcoming THE HOUSE OF HAWTHORNE, a literary historical fiction of Nathaniel and Sophie Hawthorne (May 5, 2015)- highly recommend; as well as her collaboration of Grand Central Original Stories of Postwar Love and Reunion--found I had missed some of Robuck’s previous books, and quickly purchased them on audible.

CALL ME ZELDA, is a captivating multi-layered historic literary fiction, focusing on Anna Howard, a young nurse who connects with flapper, Zelda Fitzgerald--as her personal nurse and later management of the Fitzgerald household; Zelda, Scott, and daughter, Scottie.

Anna becomes an important part of their family, developing a deep personal connection with Zelda on many emotional levels. Anna has experienced a tragic past and has buried her life in her work. Her husband is still missing in action and her daughter died of tuberculosis. When Anna meets Zelda at the Phipps Psychiatric Clinic in Baltimore, in 1932, she wanted the best for Zelda and could quickly see her talents, and thought she may be able to get better, if she were moved to a more private setting with her encouragement.

Soon, Anna agrees to work for the Fitzgerald’s as Zelda’s personal nurse at the La Paix, their Baltimore mansion. Zelda, a girl from southern Alabama, is multi-talented – a ballet dancer, an artist, a writer, and complicated. Being married to Scott, a famous writer, always struggling with deadlines, financial woes, and creating the next story--has his own issues with alcohol, depression, and controls Zelda, even though he loves her. Anna, of course is a life saver for Scott, helping control Zelda’s energy, while Scott tries to write, always worried about Zelda's interference.

Zelda of course has mental illness issues, with constant ups and downs. Anna encourages her to write her stories; however, Zelda tells Anna she cannot show them to Scott, as he does not like her writing. From one house to another, from Baltimore to North Carolina, Anna desperately tries to protect Zelda and yearns for the happiness and love between this couple, while her own personal life has been so sad and unhappy. However, Anna may be able to find her happiness and a second chance.

Ah, Zelda, what is not to love about this talented, mysterious woman, as always have been fascinated with this literary couple, and love stories with different twists. Robuck cleverly adds another layer by adding Anna’s character with a different spin for a heartwarming and touching story.

While capturing the Fitzgerald’s turbulent marriage, and reliving some of their glamorous days from the Jazz Age to the Depression, from New York to Paris, and the journey, leading to the end of their lives-- A bittersweet complex story which combines a nurse who becomes Zelda’s best friend, and little does she know, Zelda in the end wants the best for Anna with two women bound by friendship, hope, love, tragedy and life.

I have read Beautiful Fools: The Last Affair of Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald by R. Clifton Spargo, Therese Anne Fowler’s “Z”, a Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby and many others, with twists of Zelda. Each of course, is unique and different, so would encourage readers to experience each of them.

CALL ME ZELDA, a spellbinding story for historic and literary lovers, alike, will appreciate this compelling story, especially told by Robuck, as her passion for literary characters, is reflected throughout the pages as her characters come to life.

Listening to the audiobook, the narrator, Amy Landon delivers a soft pleasant voice, and definitely captured Zelda's southern charm. Looking forward to reading Hemingway's Girl .