A review by oliviadland
Love Is A Choice by Beth Revis


I thought it was a very good novella. I was however not convinced this was the reason for Orion's plan. It never really explained Orion's feelings after big things happened and went straight into what he does without explaining. Exp:
Orion figures out Mag shut off the Phylus (I forget the name) and it never says if he's angry and then BAM oh yeah I poisoned you.
I wish we got more of Mag before she got political and I think she was smarter than her later actions showed. It was definitely not as good as [b:As They Slip Away|16181322|As They Slip Away (Across the Universe, #0.5)|Beth Revis|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1357366038s/16181322.jpg|22081971], her other novella, which impacted me more than most books I read and the best novella i've ever read. Overall, good novella, confusing judgement on the characters part.