A review by crushedvelvet
Yes, Daddy by Jonathan Parks-Ramage

Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
Yes, Daddy was an interesting enough (though on the nose) erotic thriller at first. But as I read on, Jonah's character & the exploitative nature of the plot grated on me.

Jonah is a simpering social climber eager to cast off his humble beginnings. So much so that he leaps at the chance to turn his nose up at any & everyone he sees himself in. This would be fine if he was at least interesting. I don't demand likeability from protagonists--least of all in a gothic novel. But before the trauma porn begins, he's just endlessly whiny & has an arguable persecution complex. After, he's a blank slate for the cadre of damn well mustache twirling villains to enact their brutality.

The plot itself is every slanderous accusation thrown at the gay community EVER. If I didn't know the author was gay himself I'd think a homophobe was behind this. It's a torrential downpour of bizarre, graphic rape scenes. Every development feels like it's there for shock value and nothing more. Just to put readers through an unearned emotional wringer.

I wish I never read this. Take every content warning very seriously. Each one goes in the cruelest, most cartoonishly repulsive direction possible.

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