A review by kdferrin
Rain of Gold by Victor Villaseñor


I really enjoyed reading this book even though most of the people in it aren't exactly what I would consider admirable. I felt a little bad that I spent most of the time thinking that the author’s mother would have been so much better off if she had married her other boyfriend. I am still a little gap jawed that a man would so boldly lie to the girl he wants to marry and then continue to lie for years after they are married.

I loved that this nonfiction book read like a novel but it could use a little bit of editing. A few things were unnecessarily repeated. The one that stuck most in my mind is that twice he comments how happy the author’s father was when he found out that the author’s mom didn't like to dance because that meant that she hadn't been touched by other men. That is a bit rich coming from a guy who declares that the best thing to do after discovering that you love a girl is to go visit a prostitute.