A review by plotsandreviews
Undressed with the Marquess by Christi Caldwell


Official title: Undressed With The Marquess
My title: Fixing Folly and Stupidity
Author: Christi Caldwell
Fav character: Spencer
Type: Book - Lost Lords Series
I liked the first book so much, I had to get the next one in the series. #goodreading

We have a man in the Rookeries, pretending to be Robin Hood, only to be saved by his grandfather, a titled, powerful and wealthy Duke. So yeah... irony much?

Darius is a haunted man who has managed to estrange his best friend, daughter (Temperance) of a drunkard who was violent, abusive and murderous and his kind wife, the daughter of a vicar. Being the nasty old cockroach that he is, the father lives to continue poisoning the Rookeries and the almost saintly mother dies - In the case of Darius, both parent have died. - This is not a spoiler because you discover this in the first few pages.

After being saved by his grandfather, Darius is given a chance to continue saving people, but he must enlists his estranged friend, who becomes far more, and he must move beyond is ABJECT STUPIDITY to consider all of the alternatives to taking care of those he feels honour bound to protect.


I was struck by how DUMB this man wassss... ohemgeeee, he made me very anxious and annoyed, but it was done to watch the character grow. I found myself really rooting for Temperance, she was such a brave, calming and stalwart soul. The book almost seems to hold MORE of a story than was actually explored and I found myself feeling a tad... unsatisfied with this book meal because of it.

AOTD: I am ambivalent. While all pain is valid, I do believe that there are categories to pain, that some experiences ARE worse and more traumatic and that this too should be respected and recognized. We should be able to see when someone is going through MORE.