A review by alyram4
The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring


Ok this book... THIS FREAKING BOOK. This is going to be one of those "hate it or love it books", so don't be surprised if you see a mix in the reviews. From my interpretation of everything, I really did not like this book, especially how it all ended.

I really, really wanted to like this book. Seriously, I did. I went into this excited about a new debut YA thriller novel that had a lot of promise. As I started this, it was quite shaky but I gave it the benefit of the the doubt. It really started picking up after the initial chapters, and I was actually starting to get into it. However, my main gripe is the ending. I'll get into that later, as I also found the chapter POVs awkward as well.

This book likes the change POVs every chapter. This usually isn't an issue for me, but it really bothered me here. There were some character POVs that we didn't need to hear at certain times, and other times we needed a certain character to show up with theirs. It also was a bit off for me to see the year change in the chapter title, as it made me have to keep track of many different aspects of the story. It was done in a bit of a jumble that made some information seem useless or just too expositional. It was confusing at times, but I learned to get used to it. It also doesn't help that some of the characters just don't click right throughout the course of the book.

So now that that's out of the way...

The last quarter of the book ruined this for me. I very much disliked this twist, and it just completely turns the story in a weird direction. The story was heading in a good direction, and I was actually invested, only for it to just become a whole mess. I only had more questions and zero answers. I felt my positive view of the book as I got closer to the end just shatter. I literally let out a groan in frustration and threw my phone onto my bed. I was not satisfied by this at all. I can see how others still remained to love this, but I for one just did not enjoy that one bit. I stopped caring as soon as I got there.

As much as I'd love to rave about how good the middle was, I just can't ignore how the ending changes everything in this book. Because of that, I'll be giving this a solid 2/5 stars.

ARC provided to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.