A review by francica
The Beach Reads Book Club by Kathryn Freeman


A romantic and enjoyable read!!

The Beach Reads Book Club was a whole lot of fun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story.

Lottie, bored with the heavy books chosen by her book club decides to start a book club of her own called the Beach Reads Book Club. Upon returning a book at the bookstore by the Bay she is captivated by the book club's new owner Matt who apart from being a mystery is also very handsome. Meanwhile Matt is in the process of starting over, and thought that buying the bookstore will be a good place to start. Lottie with her golden curls has his attention, but is he capable of being happy again. As Matt deals with his past Lottie brings the Beach Reads Book Club to his store this changed everything..

I have always wanted to join a book club and honestly I had so much fun reading about The Beach Reads Book Club. I love the chemistry of the women in the club. Audrey was a hoot.!!! I loved the element of the book club being not like a literature class but as a place where readers can really discuss their love of reading.

I think Matt was an interesting and very relatable character, Ms. Freeman was skilled in her writing of his character because I really understood the impact that his past had on how he approached his relationship with Lottie. Oh and how could I forget the ex boyfriend Henry. His appearance in the book,,,,,

Well you can read it for yourself

I really enjoyed this book and now let me join a book club myself.