A review by binstonbirchill
The Early History of Rome: Books I-V of the History of Rome from Its Foundation by Livy


Livy is a master. Much of his history of early Rome is based on incomplete information but it give incredible insight into the politics of ancient Rome. This is a book that all members of the U.S. House and Senate should be required to read before being eligible for office (I am, of course, referring to Livy's plea for compromise and the destructive nature of party politics). This isn't really a casual read, each year he lists the two consuls and other people who hold office (which amounts to a confusing array of ius names). At times Livy can be short in his summary of events, possibly because the information he has is lacking, at other times he can be long-winded (which are my favorite parts because I love the details). The speeches given by leaders at crucial moments in the development of Rome are my favorite part of his writing, looking forward to reading books VI-X.