A review by jadae2042
Nocturne by Syrie James


I LOVED this book but HATED the ending. Wow...this book sucked me in from the beginning. I started to fall in love with Michael as quick as Nicole was. I felt like I was a part of their love and relationship. Syrie James did an amazing job writing this book. I felt like I really knew them and when Michael and Nicole would fall more and more in love so did I. words can't describe how upset I was about the ending. I was crying hysterically and even now I feel depressed about the way it ended. It just wasn't a good ending at all and makes me wish I wouldn't have read it. However, the love between them made it worth reading. The fact that they don't end up together felt like a stab to my heart it just really hurts me that they go about living their everyday lives as though nothing happened. I feel like if this scenario played out in real life and I was Nicole, I could have never left. Not with a love that strong. I wish there was a sequel. Overall, a great great read of two people falling in love but expect a terrible upsetting ending.