A review by jessica_patient
True Story by Kate Reed Petty

True Story by Katy Reed Petty is one of those books you can't put down and definitely deserves a re-read as I'm sure there are lots of layers to be peeled back on the plot and themes. If you like experimental writing and the way we twist reality to match our truths then you're going to love this book. I was kindly sent an ebook version of this via Netgalley but I know that I will be definitely getting a physical copy of this book.
At the heart of this book, is a story about two college boys giving a girl a lift home after a party and the boys tell the story afterwards to their friends about what they did to this girl, sexually.
The format of the book starts off as standard college novel but then cuts out to Alice, the girl who was in the car as she struggles to grasp what happens as her life is destroyed by that event. She can't remember the details but this event leaks into all aspects of her life. Through out the book, the reader sees Alice's college application and the different versions as she tries to tackle the truth and what happened, as well as screen plays and emails. The book also morphs into a thriller as one of the boys, not present in the car on that night, tries to find out the truth. This is such a relevant book not only on college sexual assault but also on how reality can be manipulated by either other people or our internal processes to match the truth that we have in our heads.