A review by fishgirl182
The Sumage Solution by Gail Carriger, G.L. Carriger


The Sumange Solution is a highly enjoyable read that involves shifters, mages, magic, and the witty banter that I've come to expect out of Gail Carriger novels. I've read a few interviews with Gail in regards to this new series and, though it's still a little hazy, I believe that it's set in the same world as the Parasol Protectorate series but fast forwarded to current times. As such, a lot of the terms that she previously used in the PP series are missing here. Instead we find a whole new vocabulary and new types of beings which I did find to be a little confusing at times. I've read plenty of Gail's books so I am pretty familiar with her writing. But I did feel that information was being thrown at me at a rate that I almost couldn't keep up with. It was hard to keep track of the different magical beings and their powers. I also had a hard time keeping track of all of the characters in the beginning. She introduces us to a whole new back of werewolves right off the bat and it took me awhile to figure out who was who. The world building felt a little rushed and I wish there had been a slightly gentler entry into the world instead of being hurled right into it. However, I still really enjoyed Max and Biff's romance. Both of them are sort of new to the relationship thing and it's really cute to watch them fumble and navigate their way through it. This book is much smuttier than Carriger's previous books, which is a lot of fun.

It took me a little while to get my footing in this new world but by the end I was all in. I was totally rooting for Biff and Max and their HEA. I am looking forward to future books in the series. We have a whole pack of werewolves to get through. I can't wait!