A review by ashreads10k
Dreaming Awake by Gwen Hayes


If you've read my review of Falling Under, the book that precedes this one, you'll know that I was massively torn in my feelings towards it. I loved and hated it at the same time, which is the ultimate paradox, I know. But I enjoyed Dreaming Awake infinitely more so because everything that annoyed me in Falling Under was gone. Theia and Haden are firmly together, so there's no more cat and mouse games going on. The obstacle of their 'forbidden love' is out of the way, so there wasn't as much unnecessary angst to clog up the plot.

I liked Theia's character so much more in this novel. She's changed due to events in Falling Under--that I will not spoil for you--so I felt that she took a stand for herself better, and grew so much more as a character. In Falling Under, she was little mouse, inexperienced in the world because she was trapped behind an oppressive father. But now she's changed, and her eyes have been opened. There isn't any going back. She doesn't allow people to make decisions for her anymore, and she puts her foot down when they try.

Haden also blossomed substantially for me. He came off as such a jerk in Falling Under, but now that he and Theia are dating, he's a sweet and loving boyfriend. A miraculous transformation, I know. Even though he's a half incubus-type demon, he has this cute boyish awkwardness sometimes. But then there's also the smoldering bad boy, which is hot too.

We lose a beloved character! Just going to say that. It was definitely a blow.

Is this simply a book and a sequel thing? Will there be another? I'd really like to know! These characters have grown on me, as has Haden.