A review by lennofspades
How They Met, and Other Stories by David Levithan


Originally posted @ Anatomy of a Booknerd

Actual rating: 3.5

This book has given me a whole new meaning to life. It is actually my first time to read a GLBT kind of story/stories, I never thought I’d like it in a way. Don’t get me wrong, I am not against GLBT relationships, it’s just that, I haven’t really gotten myself to like stories about it. But here, David Levithan made appreciate and like stories as such. Although, not all the stories in the book are about them, but the majority are!

This books has been on my to-read list since forever and I was finally able to read it recently! It is a book report of my brother’s and I helped him answer a few questions since he has a whole lot of projects to work on. At first, I thought I was doing him a favor but upon finishing the book, I realized that he was actually the one who did me a favor by lending me the book.

“Love weaves itself from hundreds of threads. Happenstance. And I was only one of them.”
This is my second time to read a David Levithan book and I liked it just as much as I liked Every Day. I picked up a lot of good lessons from the book about love and taking risks. I could tell you which stories I loved and which stories I hated, but that wouldn’t be the different from being biased. Most of the stories are beautiful, but then again there are other stories that was just “meh” for me.

My favorite of all the stories was The Number of People Who Meet on Airplanes. It was such a lovely story and made me think if such things ever really happen in real life, also I love the message Mr. Schwartz imparted. I loved every bit of the story! I loved how it made me realize that there are a lot of happenstance in life.

“We’d said we’d keep in touch. But touch is not something you can keep; as soon as it’s gone, it’s gone. We should have said we’d keep in words, because they are all we can string between us–words on a telephone line, words appearing on a screen.”
All in all, I gave this book a 3.5 stars out of 5! Though I have loved most of the stories, there were still some that just didn’t leave an impact on me and that actually what I search for in a book. With that said, I hope you guys read this book as well! It is a light read but will surely leave you lessons that you will most certainly remember!

“Love doesn’t have to be on Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t have to be by the time you turn eighteen or thirty-three or fifty-nine. It doesn’t have to conform to whatever is usual. It doesn’t have to be kismet at once, or rhapsody by the third day. It just has to be. In time. In place. In spirt. It just has to be.”

- See more at: http://anatomyofabooknerd.tumblr.com/#sthash.94U7YRmT.dpuf