A review by pewterwolf
What Walks These Halls by Amy Clarkin


3.5 stars, so rounding up to four stars.

Slow start but picks up around the halfway mark to a edge-of-your-seat conclusion.


***Physical proof sent by publisher, The O’Brien Press, in exchange for honest review/reaction***

As this is a short, mini-review, let me keep this short. It was a fun read, once you get over the slow start.

I get why the first half of the book is much slower pace than the latter half: for us to know the characters, to build up the creepy, the family history, us to be on the same footing as our characters. But it did, at times, drag. There were times I just wanted something to happen so the plot would get moving, something creepy to happen so the characters would do something.

Once we got past the half-way mark, things moved quickly and I couldn't put the book down. It was a fun, entertaining and I couldn't put it down.

Plus, this book had disability rep, queer rep, found family and two romances at its heart.

So, this was a book of two halves: slow first half but an entertaining second half. I would be intrigued to see what happens next to these characters if a sequel is on the cards...