A review by libbysbookshelf
The First Woman by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi


A coming of age tale set in a small village in Uganda, following the life of Kirabo; a young girl with a lot of character, who was abandoned by her mother at birth and spends a long time fantasising about who she could be. Kirabo eventually goes off to a Christian mission school and into the clutches of colonisation, but it’s in her village life that we learn about Ugandan culture and myth and folklore, and it was here that I fell in love with this book and these characters. 

I had a very physical reaction to one section in the book that seemed so sad and so unfair and I was left feeling down for the rest of the day (DM me if you want to know the bit I’m talking about). 

My one criticism of the spectacular book is that it was a little wordy in places and not in a way that added to the writing. Makumbi is clearly a sensational writer, but I think this was more of an editing issue — or it could just be me! 

Anyway, I still loved this book and Kirabo is one of my all time favourite characters. 

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