A review by ponch22
The Adventure Zone: Petals to the Metal by Clint McElroy, Carey Pietsch


[b:The Adventure Zone: Petals to the Metal|46223323|The Adventure Zone Petals to the Metal|Clint McElroy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1585146457l/46223323._SX50_.jpg|71198864] is book #3 in the series of graphic novels based on The Adventure Zone podcast—a real-play podcast where brothers [a:Justin|7600602|Justin McElroy|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1531958983p2/7600602.jpg], [a:Travis|16706128|Travis McElroy|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1531958740p2/16706128.jpg], and [a:Griffin McElroy|16686574|Griffin McElroy|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1531958425p2/16686574.jpg] play Dungeons & Dragons with their dad [a:Clint|14748891|Clint McElroy|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1531958317p2/14748891.jpg]. [b:Here There Be Gerblins|35684941|The Adventure Zone Here There Be Gerblins|Clint McElroy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1507691828l/35684941._SX50_.jpg|56070994] (2018) & [b:Murder on the Rockport Limited!|41812788|The Adventure Zone Murder on the Rockport Limited!|Clint McElroy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1539399890l/41812788._SX50_.jpg|64249214] (2019) adapted the first ~14 hours of improvised role playing, and Petals to the Metal attempts to adapt the next ~12 hours.

It's been quite some time since I finished the entire TAZ Balance story (of which Petals is arc 3 of 8), so it's hard for me to remember what huge story elements had to be cut to squeeze into the graphic novel. If I had to guess it was more extended battles because most of the main elements I remember are here—
Spoilerthe crazy lunar interlude (with tormenting Garfield); the plant-covered building where the Tres Horny Boys first meet Sloane and Hurley (and ride another elevator); the pre-race mission to steal an Arcane Core without killing anyone (and the boys' trip to a canyon to dispose of a body because they're bad at not killing people); the Battle Wagon race (with a plethora of race cars & Shark Tanks); the epic fight to recover the Gaia Sash (and the unfortunate bury-your-gays ending); the meeting with Captain Captain Bane (and his self-drunk poison)

I love spending more time with Taako (Justin), Magnus (Travis), & Merle (Clint) as they continue to hunt for cursed magical artifacts. There did seem to be a lot less of a DM presence, but since Griffin created all the NPCs, it's not like he's not there at all...

We're seeing more glimpses into the larger 'Balance' story (along with some funny foreshadowing) plus this novel introduces us to Garyl—Taako's Phantom Steed who takes the form of Binicorn! The altered ending (taking a piece from story 8 and placing it here) was a nice touch, and as always, illustrator [a:Carey Pietsch|8504554|Carey Pietsch|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/f_50x66-6a03a5c12233c941481992b82eea8d23.png] does a fantastic job bringing this story to life. The amazing details in every scene are funny & beautiful & just a joy to look at.