A review by heather4994
Vamped by Lucienne Diver


At the beginning of this novel, I felt like I'd missed the first chapter or so. It took me awhile to catch up with things and figure out what was going on. Even so, I was about halfway into the novel before I felt like I was really into the novel and knew what was going on, who the characters were and where things were headed. But, once I got there, it was fun. There was Gina, obsessed with her looks who had no reflection. Then she's separated from her boyfriend who has some kind of superpowers for vampires. She's held prisoner and her best friend treats her like she's got a disease, no one is talking to her. But, Gina isn't going to take it lying down. She's the kind who takes charge now and falls apart later. So, she does makeovers. When Marcy goes missing, she gets out to rescue her. And she wants to find out why the evil vamp holding them captive is building an army of high school vampires. Does she even care about them?

When Gina hides out in the head vamps office and hears a conversation she shouldn't, she finds out more of what's going on. She hopes she can round up the troops to help save Bobby and take their own fates into their hands, but mayhem ensues and retreat is required. When they are attacked the next night, more mayhem ensues and Gina and Bobby are made an offer they can't refuse!

It's not a hardcore vampire book. Other than the confusion in the beginning, it was a fun book. I'm looking forward to reading Revamped. I like the snarky way Gina talks and thinks and her comebacks. She isn't at all upset about being a vampire other than the fact that she can't see her reflection. She's a take charge kind of girl and even though she's not sure if she's making the right decision, she stands behind it so that everyone else believes in her. And she's got a boyfriend that has her back. And really knows how to talk to win a girl's heart.

I can't remember any bad language. Only one scene where Gina and Bobby are in their underwear. But that's all it says. I think this would be fine for thirteen and up.