A review by eesh25
Brave by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Brave is the last book of A Wicked Trilogy and I was honestly excited about this book, which hasn't happened in JLA's case since the Covenant series (which was the only series of hers that I actually liked, before this one). Though I wasn't that impressed with the first book of this series either, but Torn was great. At the end, Ivy had escaped the prince, she and Ren were at a good place relationship-wise (no secrets) and they had allies. They had a plan; they were going after the prince.

In this book, that surety and purpose was missing at first. Even though Ivy had been really determined at the end of Torn, in the beginning of this book, she was a mess. She was keeping things locked up, wasn't even communicating with Ren or Tink, and making bad decisions. And it's not that I don't think she has a right to be a mess after all she's been through, but it felt misleading. That the last book ended with Ivy ready to fight, only to not get that fight. It was unfair and frustrating especially since part of Ivy's issue was that she was so absorbed in herself. And her pity-party, for lack of a better word, lasted over a hundred pages.

So yeah, not the best start to the book. But the way JLA wrote about Ivy's struggle to adjust, as well as the way she dealt with Ivy coming back to herself, that helped me be less annoyed than I could have been. Also, JLA's writing style has such an easy flow to it that you just fly though the pages.

Once we got past the angsty stuff, things got a lot better. There were still some predictable things, but some pretty unexpected ones as well. The story took a direction that was different from what we would've seen coming after Torn. And I loved that, even though we were dealing with supernatural royalty, the book was grounded. Like... the book knew what this series had started as and didn't stray too far from the center, which was a group of people defending the world from being overtaken by evil faeries.

Also, I liked the characters. Yes, Ivy has her less-great moments and Ren is definitely not Aiden (from the Covenant series), but I they're good protagonists and I was even fully on board with their romance. There were some good new characters. Also, Tink is the best! Hands down, the best character in the series. He's funny and goofy but also really wise when he needs to be. Loved him.

Last but not least, I liked how the series ended. It was kind of an open ending, but not cliffhanger-like—we got the answers we needed. It was a plausible end, and a little unexpected. It also left the possibility of a spin-off series, which wouldn't be that far-fetched since the author's written spin-offs before. Overall, this was a good book. The first half was a little aimless but the second half made up for it. I enjoyed the book. Satisfying end to the series.