A review by angels_gp17
Witch's Reign by Shannon Mayer


Witch’s Reign is the fist book in the Desert Cursed series by Shannon Mayer. We are introduced to a verity of characters and an interesting world. There’s humor, adventure, and loads of action.

Zamira Reckless Wilson is a shifter who everyone thinks can’t shift, she’s cursed not with one, but two cures, her family is dead except one brother, and she doesn’t trust nor does she feel she fits in. First off, can I just say what a name for this character. It made me laugh and it fit her perfectly. Now as for her as a character. I liked her. She’s the under dog. No one wants her, no one sees how strong and capable she can be, they don’t believe in her, and her trust issues are valid. Ya, she does things that are reckless, but in the end they work out.

The side characters let me just say some I like and other’s not so much. We meet a verity of people and all have their own agendas.

The world is unique. We have a variety of shifters, creatures, Greek gods, magical people from Arthurian legend, and so much more… It’s a bit confusing at the beginning, but as we move along we get to learn more about this world and what is going on.

Witch’s Reign hooked me and I can’t wait to continue and find out what happens next with Zamira and the gang of misfits she acquires along the way. If you enjoy Urban Fantasy, a verity of myth’s, legends and creatures; then you should give this series a go.

Rated: 4 Stars
