A review by mapscitiesandsongs
Peach Blossom Debt by Da Feng Gua Guo


The whole review contains major spoilers

What a freaking mess this was. I don't even know where to start 

First of all, the pacing and the way the author told the story was just horrific. The beginning was still fine but there is this huge chunk in the middle that kept dragging so much. The de-aging storyline was completely unnecessary and could have been ommited. All in all the way this story was constructed was messy. I spent over 300 pages asking myself what the point of this story is and where we are going with all of this. Around 350 pages we get the reveal and while it was good it didn't justify 300 pages of boredom. Especially because it came out of nowhere and there were no clues sprinkled throughout the story. Instead of leaving small hints the whole reveal gets shoved into one chapter at the end. 

The characters were so bland. I never really cared about any of them except the main character. I really felt for him, but in the end he too was kind of an enigma to me. The romance...oh boy. Where was it?! Not here apparently. First of all, it took me 350 pages to find out who the actual love interest is. All this time I thought TS was SY's love interest. And I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for an ounce of romance which never came. And baam, suddenly HW is the true love interest. What do you mean? No, what do you mean? *insert Jennifer Lawrence meme* 

I do have to say that I liked the last chapter with all the reincarnations, but the ending was still too convoluted. 

Side note: The scene when SY kisses the love interest,who was turned into a CHILD, on the mouth WITH TONGUE was disgusting and completely unnecessary.