A review by jeffmauch
Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler


Once in a while a book just hits you hard at the right time and place in your life, this is one of those books. I knew 30 pages in that I would devour this one and love it, so much so that I tried to spread the reading out a bit. This book does an incredible job of giving a sense of place. It takes place in a small town just outside of Eau Claire, WI and feels familiar to me on a level that I don't ever remember a book doing before. The characters are incredibly relatable and feel like I could walk out my front door here and meet them. This book is mostly a telling of how friendships and relationships within a group wax, wane, and change over the years, especially how they go from being effortless in our carefree adolescence to much more complex and at times challenging as adults. This is a really good one, and just went into the Favorites pile, check it out.