A review by caffeinatedbibliophile
The Smart Girl's Guide to the G-Spot by Violet Blue


I wasn't crazy for this book, but I thought it was good overall. I didn't really learn much, but I did pick up some ideas, and the list of resources for shopping was pretty good. If you want to learn more about what's in the book (it's brief), it's under the spoiler bit.

Basically, if you know what and where the g-spot is and you have experience with it, know how to work it, etc., skip this one. If you're not sure if you've found the g-spot, or want to learn more about it (and female anatomy), give it a shot. She talked a bit about topics that are more "taboo" than the g-spot, such as fisting (not my cup of tea, but if you're interested in it, you might like that section), coupling g-spot and anal stimulation, and female ejaculation.

I liked how she went about everything. She didn't write clinically or in an overly enthusiastic kind of way. It was written very conversationally. There were a lot of "slang" terms for genitals used in this book, and I think the "F bomb" was dropped a few times, so if those offend you, you might want to pass on reading this one.

The short erotic stories that were included were ok. Not amazing, but not bad. I think I only actually liked one of them and thought the others were "meh," but that's a personal preference.

Overall, it was a pretty good book for someone inexperienced.