A review by mehsi
Noughts & Crosses Graphic Novel by John Aggs, Malorie Blackman


A pretty OK graphic novel that tells us the story of Noughts/Crosses in comic style. While it has been quite some years since I read the first book I still remember some parts here and there so I can say that the GN has done a pretty good job at getting all the important bits in but also keep the story moving and flowing. Sometimes GN's don't do that, so I am happy this one did.
The art was hit/miss. Sometimes quite nice, other times not my cup of tea.
Glad I had a chance to read this one and get back to the world of Noughts/Crosses in which the racism of the US is flipped around. Whites are the ones being oppressed/discriminated against while the black people are the rulers and the ones who control all. Quite an interesting flip/idea. The ending, holy wow, I forgot that happened.
Though at times I was just a bit bored and at times I just wanted to throw some characters in a big pond or swimming pool, it took me 2 tries to really start reading this GN. Vaguely I know I had the same feeling when reading the book.