A review by kdswhite
The Dominant by Tara Sue Me


The series does have a not-as-dark Fifty Shades feel. Nathaniel and Abby are not so much tortured by their demons as on a road of self-discovery together. The Submissive (first book in series)was well written and interesting. However, I rarely feel that a book with the same exact story told from a different POV is needed. The Dominant just didn't didn't give me that much more insight into either character and I skipped many parts becuase I simply didn't feel like re-reading the story. Yes, I enjoy seeing into the heads of both characters, but I feel that is best done in snippets on a website or as an added chapter or two in the next book that include really interesting added info. I recieved the paperback version of The Dominant from Goodreads First-Reads for an honest review.