A review by treylathe
2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson


I can sum up all the other < 4 reviews I read, which I began reading when I was about 60% done.

1) you want to give up at around half way through the book
2) you could barely care any less about the weak characters
3) the plot is thin and, like the characters, you aren’t that invested in it
4) filled with made up words with little exposition

And yet the world-building is fascinating.

I started this book over a year ago, got about 30% of the way done, put it down. Picked it up, read to about 60%. Put it down and decided not to read any further. Then read a few reviews, decided to finish.

I did.

Was it worth it? Yes, the world building is fascinating and well done. Would I read it again knowing what I know now?
